Jose Hernandez

Speaker, Author, CEO

Fields of expertise:

Jose Hernandez is a University of California Regent and President and Chief Executive Officer at Tierra
Luna Engineering, LLC, an aerospace engineering consulting company.

Dr. Hernandez worked at NASA Johnson Space Center from 2001 to 2011, where he was an astronaut,
legislative analyst, branch chief and materials research engineer.

Prior to that, Dr. Hernandez worked 17 years for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and worked
on the X-ray laser project, co-developed the first full-field digital mammography system for the earlier
detection of breast cancer and worked in the nuclear non-proliferation arena where he served as the
Lab’s Deputy Program Manager in the Russian Highly Enriched Uranium Implementation Program and as
Program Manager at DOE Headquarters for Office of International Material Protection and Cooperation.
Dr. Hernandez holds a Master’s of Science in Signals and Systems Engineering from University of
California, Santa Barbara, a Bachelor’s of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of the
Pacific and has been honored with eight Doctorate Degrees, honoris causa.

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