> Trainings | NOTA Inclusion

There is No DEI Without Disability: The Future of Work Must Prioritize Disability Inclusion

Training overview

With the future of work rapidly taking shape, savvy leaders need to recognize that disability inclusion is imperative. While more than 15% of the world is disabled, disability awareness and inclusion are often not seen as priorities. In her keynote, Catarina addresses 3 myths blocking leaders from focusing on disability, explores the emotions surrounding disability, and articulates a vision for the future of work that centers on disability inclusion. Catarina will also share tips for how you can influence other stakeholders to care about disability inclusion and accessibility. She uses her own story as a disabled Latine woman to ground you in real-life examples and to create urgency around the imperative for inclusion.

Catarina has 2 versions of this keynote: one with presentation slides and one without.

This keynote session is 60 minutes, with a 5 min introduction, 40 min keynote speech, and 15 minutes for Q&A. Timing can be customized to your needs. 

Key takeaways

A Practical Introduction to Disability Awareness Intersectionality

Unpacking Ableism in the Workplace

Disability Inclusion Made Simple

Define disability inclusion and why it makes a difference.