> Trainings | NOTA Inclusion

Actionable Insights & Inclusive Leadership: Patterns, Permissions and Practice

Training overview

While many may want to identify as allies, there’s often some confusion around what allyship in action entails, and what it looks like at the company level. A former senior partner at Deloitte and a deep researcher on topics of belonging and inclusion, Deepa believes that helping leaders of today become the inclusive leaders of the future is about helping them see what they can’t often understand. In this groundbreaking talk, Deepa shares a 3 step process that helps leaders step through their discomfort.  She unlocks the power of patterns in the workplace and gives leaders permission to be brave through a methodology of practice. In this pragmatic and actionable talk, Deepa will share stories, scripts and scenarios that develop the muscle memory of allyship

Key takeaways

Learn why permission is a key to unlocking courage

Practice techniques to intervene in challenging moments

Understand how pattern spotting is the key to acting

Discover the power of courageous conversations