> Trainings | NOTA Inclusion

Head, Heart, and Hands: A new way to look at leadership

Training overview

Leadership has changed. To get things done and drive bottom-line results, leaders must embrace a striking truth: they don’t just impact people’s work, but their overall health and well-being. Leaders who understand how physical, mental, and emotional health drives business performance will build trust, become magnets for exceptional talent, and elevate overall productivity. Suneel Gupta’s ‘Head, Heart and Hands’ framework empowers leaders with new strategies to create a work environment where well-being drives outstanding outcomes. Drawing on over a decade of experience as a healthcare CEO, bestselling author, and host of an award-winning television show on leadership, Suneel empowers audiences through interactive experiences and demonstrates how a focus on purpose (head), well-being (heart), and action (hands) transforms organizational performance.


Key takeaways

Motivate your people to be “all in” without burning out by teaching them how to manage not just their time but their energy.

Learn the art of aligning “who you are” with “what you do” so you can inspire your team and carve result-oriented paths for their daily work.

Cultivate a meaningful sense of belonging in your team whether in-person or remote.

Discover the key drivers of emotional resilience and how to deal with daily setbacks.

Renew a sense of commitment and momentum in your team’s day-to-day life.